

Welcome to Alternatives BodyShapers!

At Alternatives Skin and Body Solutions, we proudly offer a selection of high-quality compression garments, known as Fajas in Spanish.  These garments are thoughtfully designed to provide substantial support during post-liposuction recovery and to assist with body contouring, whether it’s during the postpartum phase or as part of body shaping therapies. 

Our compression garments are not only highly effective but also comfortable and exceptionally durable.

We can assist  you in choosing the right garments to support your healing process and  achieve the best possible results.

  • Specially designed to support and shape your body
  • Made with fabric that aids in the healing process
  • Tailored to meet your post-surgery needs
  • Designed not to roll up (legs) or down the bust line, ensuring they stay in place
  • Medical-grade compression garments, specifically created for post-surgical procedures
  • Includes a perineal zipper
  • Provides a butt-lifting effect
  • Available in strapless, mid, and long legs with abdomen control, along with silicone lace on the legs and around the bust line
  • Offer two levels of adjustment and a perineal zipper for convenience
  • Easy to wear and virtually invisible
  • Adjustable and highly durable

For more information or to explore our range of compression garments, please contact us today.

Benefits of Post-Liposuction Compression Garments

After your liposuction surgery, compression garments can significantly enhance your recovery process. At Alternatives Skin and Body Solutions, we want you to understand the various advantages these garments offer:

  1. Reduce Swelling

Following liposuction, the body can accumulate excess fluids, leading to uncomfortable swelling. Compression garments provide consistent pressure to control fluid build-up, reducing post-surgery swelling.

  1. Reduce Bruising

Liposuction can cause trauma to blood vessels beneath the skin, resulting in bruising. Compression garments help minimise bruising by preventing blood from rising to the skin’s surface.

  1. Minimise Pain & Discomfort

These garments promote comfort and mobility during the early recovery period, reducing pain and discomfort. They also improve posture and encourage attentive care of the treated area.

  1. Hematoma Prevention

Compression garments help prevent hematoma formation by gently applying pressure to damaged blood vessels, reducing the risk of ongoing bleeding and minimising blood collection.

  1. Seroma Prevention

Seroma, the accumulation of serous fluid after liposuction, can be reduced by compression garments, which close off empty spaces, discouraging fluid accumulation. They also stimulate the lymphatic system to absorb and eliminate excess fluid.

  1. Scarring Prevention

While not their primary purpose, compression garments can minimise scarring by providing gentle pressure and support to healing tissues, reducing tension on incision sites and surrounding skin, leading to less noticeable scars.

  1. Faster Recovery

Compression garments facilitate a quicker recovery, reducing downtime and allowing you to return to your daily routine sooner.

  1. Enhanced Final Results

Wearing compression garments may not feel glamorous, but they support skin retraction and contouring, enhancing your final results for a tighter, more defined appearance.

How Long to Wear Compression Garment After Liposuction?

The duration varies depending on factors such as the type and extent of the procedure, post-operative complications, the surgeon’s technique and guidance, and the patient’s individual healing response. Typically, wearing the garment continuously for at least six weeks is recommended, removing it only for bathing or wound care. After this, continue using it for around three months. As swelling subsides, consider transitioning to smaller garments for ongoing support.

How Should Compression Garments Fit?

Compression garments should fit snugly with uniform, firm compression. It’s essential for them to lay flat against your skin, exerting the appropriate pressure on the healing areas to prevent surface irregularities. If the garment doesn’t sit smoothly on your skin or is too loose, it can result in waves or surface irregularities. As swelling subsides, it’s essential to make adjustments or switch to smaller sizes to maintain their effectiveness throughout recovery.

Ensuring the Proper Fit of Compression Garments

It’s crucial to understand that post-liposuction compression garments (Fajas) are specialised garments designed with precise compression levels, setting them apart from other body shapers. These compression garments play a central role in the post-liposuction recovery process. Achieving the right fit is paramount to ensure the best results and comfort. Here’s how they should fit:

  • Snug and Even Compression: Compression garments should fit snugly, providing consistent and even pressure. This uniform distribution of compression is crucial for preventing surface irregularities and promoting a smooth healing process.
  • Smooth and Flat Placement: Ensure the garment lies smoothly and flat against your skin. Any wrinkles or folds can lead to waviness or surface irregularities as your body heals. A snug, flat fit against your skin is vital for the best results.
  • Proper Pressure on Healing Areas: These specialised post-liposuction compression garments are distinct from other body shapers. They are designed to offer precise and targeted pressure to the areas that require healing. This specific pressure helps reduce swelling and encourages a smoother recovery. 
  • Size Adjustments as Swelling Decreases: As post-surgical swelling decreases over time, it’s crucial to monitor the fit of your compression garment. You may need to make adjustments or switch to smaller sizes to maintain its effectiveness. This adaptability ensures that the garment continues to provide the necessary support as your body heals.

In summary, post-liposuction compression garments are tailored to provide the precise compression required for healing. The right fit, characterised by snug and even compression and smooth, flat placement, is key to achieving the best possible outcome during the recovery journey.

What Happens If You Don’t Wear Compression Garments?

The use of compression garments is strongly recommended. Not wearing compression garments may lead to prolonged swelling, discomfort and delayed healing. It can also result in uneven contouring, irregularities and an increased risk of complications, such as hematoma and seroma.

Understanding the potential consequences of not wearing these garments is vital.

Without the supportive aid of compression garments, the persistence of swelling and bruising can extend the recovery period.

It’s important to emphasise that adhering to post-operative therapies and consistently wearing compression garments as instructed can significantly contribute to optimal healing, minimise swelling, and enhance the overall results after liposuction, leading to a faster and more successful process.

This organised information will help you understand the importance of post-liposuction compression garments and make informed decisions. 

If you any need further assistance, please contact us on WhatsApp.


Postpartum Compression garments, are premium-quality attire designed to support postpartum recovery and aid in regaining the silhouette during the postpartum period. 

Key Benefits of Postpartum Compression Garments

  • Reduction of Swelling: Compression garments help reduce postpartum swelling.
  • Improved Posture: They support proper posture during a time when core strength may be lacking.
  • Alignment of Hips, Pelvis, and Spine: These garments contribute to the realignment of these crucial body structures.
  • Enhanced Security during Movement: They provide security and stability when performing various activities.
  • Organ Realignment: Compression garments aid in reorganising internal organs to their rightful positions.
  • Muscle Restoration: They assist in the recovery and toning of abdominal muscles..
  • Connective Tissue and Ligament Firming: These garments help firm up connective tissues and ligaments.
  • Closure of Distended Abdominal Muscles: They promote the rejoining of stretched abdominal muscles.
  • Accelerated Recovery: Compression garments facilitate a quicker postpartum recovery. 
  • Confidence Boost: Compression garments provide physical benefits and enhance your self-esteem by giving you a more flattering figure under your clothing, providing an extra confidence boost over time.
  • Abdominal Support: These garments aid in abdominal muscle retraction, promoting a firmer and smoother appearance potentially preventing diastasis recti.
  • Pelvic Support: Postpartum compression garments support the weakened pelvic floor, reducing the risk of prolapses and hernias.
  • Good Posture: Maintaining good posture is often challenging during the postpartum period due to reduced core strength, and compression garments have been proven to help new mothers maintain proper posture.

Confidence and Comfort for New Moms. 

New mothers find invaluable assistance in postpartum recovery garments. These garments not only boost their confidence, enabling them to wear pre-pregnancy clothing sooner, but also contribute to the rehabilitation of abdominal muscles and organs. 

Prolonged use of postpartum recovery garments aids in the strengthening of abdominal muscles, facilitating the natural repositioning of internal organs. However, it’s crucial to remember that individual circumstances vary. If you’ve undergone a cesarean section, it’s essential to consult your doctor before using a postpartum garment. Wearing one is recommended even from the same day for those who’ve had a natural birth.


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